Our story.

Mateon, currently managed solely by Matej, is a website dedicated to various projects and innovative ideas. Our projects span from FPV drones to small electronics, as well as hosting and design services.

History of Mateon

Mateon was founded by Matej and its co-founder Leon. Throughout history, it had a few website revisions and logo revisions. The image on the side depicts the first-ever Mateon logo concept, but it was quickly dropped due to its complexity. Shortly after the second revision of the Mateon website, Leon and Matej split up.


What happened after?

After Leon and Matej split up, Matej took over Mateon and made all of this possible. Additionally, he oversaw the latest logo revision and initiated and supported all of the current projects displayed on the Mateon website. The future looks bright for Mateon and can only improve from here.


What is the future for Mateon?

We're uncertain about Mateon's future. Perhaps it will evolve into a company, or perhaps it will fade away. No one can predict, but we aspire for it to become something our members can take pride in one day.

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